Monday, February 8, 2010

Wintertime Blues

I hate winter. From my toes up to my cold nose, I hate everything about it. Every year, I promise myself it is going to get better, that I will be nicer and I will not let my feelings get in the way. I tell myself that I will do things that soften my feelings, such as play in the snow, or take a trip skiing. But every year, around March 1st, I throw my hands up in the air with complete defeat. Winter won again. It got the absolute best of me. The short, dark, cold days have entered my body and sent me into a whirlwind of a depression. I am not quite sure there is such a thing as "seasonal depression" but that is undeniably what I have.

I have begun to meditate. During my meditation I am instructed to go to my "happy place". So as the ice is hammering down and the trees are cracking, I simply shut myself off from the rest of the world, take some deep breaths, close my eyes and imagine the sun beating down on my skin. It unwinds me and soothes me, even if just for a moment.

This winter has been unusually cruel. It is just mid February and I am already throwing in the towel. We have been stuck inside the house for 5 straight weekends due to snow, ice or just cold rain. It has made me stir crazy, but worse yet, it has made my boys stir crazy. Having 3 cooped up boys, 3 cooped up dogs, and one cooped up husband is enough to send me away to the funny farm. Fortunately, there is not a funny farm in the future, but there is a closet that I close my self in and dream of warmer days.

I DO love the first initial snow, the beauty and silence that falls with it.
I adore the comfort of a fire.
I treasure my children's reactions when they find out they do not have school
And mostly what I love is the unexpected day that forces you to forget obligations and simply enjoy each other.

The groundhog said we have six more weeks of winter. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I remember all of us kids walking with your Mom down by the creek near the "haunted house" on the farm in Bedford. She asked us if we would rather be cold or hot. She said that she would rather be cold because she could always get a blanket or coat to get warm. Funny, because I always thought of her as being very much a summer and sun person.
