Sunday, January 2, 2011

A better me, for at least a month!

January 1st, 2011  (1-1-11)

The first thing that Brock said to me this morning was "The majority of New Years Resolutions are broken within the first week."  Ouch.  That is seriously a sad statistic.  But I am living proof- and I stopped making them a while ago when I got frustrated with my inability to stay true to my goals.  In fact, say, if I had a goal to lose weight and eat healthier, I would find myself binging on cookies and chocolate and anything salty within just a few days of my commitment. 

But I am going to try and change that this year.  For the first time in a decade I am going to write some down, and stay true to them...For at least a month! Hugh told me today that I should have one of them be not to get frustrated with him when he does something wrong.  I replied back "To make that real easy for me don't do anything wrong".  He was not crazy about the remark.

So, while Hugh is being punished in his room and contemplating how easily frustrated I got at him this afternoon, I have a moment to think about what resolutions are attainable...

1.  Take a a photography class OR a creative writing class
2.  Work out the dogs and get them involved in field trials again...
3.  Volunteer once a week in the community...

But what I really want to attain is to be a better wife, mother,  and sister...  As 2010 is now history and I can reflect on the year, I have to say that I have never found more joy and love with the family.  But there is always room for improvement.  To be a better wife I can think daily about what would make Brock's world just a bit simpler that day....  I can complete that list, or WHOA, be proactive and get things done before he even thinks about it.  When  he comes home from work I could actually throw a little make up on and tame my hair instead of looking like I have just fought WW3. Although he has never complained about how I looked and tells me regularly that  I have never been prettier(HA), there was a day  long ago that when I saw him I would  look my best and shine at the sight of him.   And Hugh, maybe I could work on my frustration level.  I could pray more before reacting asking God to guide me in my decisions with the boys.  Though their actions may deserve punishment, I could do it with thought rather than impulse.  And as a sister, well, quite simply I could just let Richard and Chris know how much I cherish them.  We have had too much trauma and loss in our life to just assume that they know how I feel. 

So, while  Hugh is whispering, "just 5 more minutes, I know I can do this" from the room next to mine , I wish you a Happy New Year.  We can all be a better parent, spouse, friend, sibling and child of God, even the best of us.  May 2011 bring many blessings of love and laughter!!

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