Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Day after Christmas

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It was the day after Christmas and all through the house,
the kids are all crazy and need to get out.
The stockings are empty and candy is eaten,
On Xbox they echo, "who's next to be beaten?"
The snow has been falling for 2 solid days,
10 inches we have and more on the way.
A snowman was built with the name Peppermint,
but the dogs jumped on him and off his head went.
Brock and Fletch are packing getting ready to fish,
To the Bahamas they go for a 12th birthday wish.
Inside of the house is an obstacle course,
stepping over stripped clothes, the toys and much more.
It sounds chaotic and wild, and it most certainly is,
But there is nothing on Earth I would trade for this.
And as things quiet down towards the end of the night,
We gather together and snuggle up tight.
We are grateful for each other, but more, Jesus's birth,
And want to Wish you a Merry Christmas and Peace on Earth

1 comment:

  1. Love this! But I wanna go on the fishing trip too.....I love snow, but am ready to to be more mobile.
