Sunday, October 31, 2010

A mom moment

OMG, I have a middle school boy.  I know I am  totally slow to catch on to this since he is in his 9th week of 6th grade- but it hit me like a ton of bricks this weekend. As I am taking pictures of Hugh's football game, Fletcher comes charging down the stadium stairs with red blushed cheeks and a tremendously joyful smile.  "Mom, a girl asked me out, can I go?"  Flustered, and a bit unsure how to answer, I  stuttered out, "where do you want to go?"  SO uncool.   I  remember when I told my parents that I was "going with" someone and they asked the same thing.  The first thought in my mind back then was that they were so out of it...  and it was followed by an eye roll.  She was simply asking to date him.  I did not get an eye roll from Fletch, only because I think he was too excited to catch on to my ignorance. 
Me: " How old is she? "
Fletch: "My age, 11.  And really, really cute."
Me: "What's her name? "
Fletcher: " Julia, mom, can I ?"
Me:  At this point, I am toying with him.  "Well, what kind of things do you want to do?"
Fletch: " I don't know".  Getting exasperated, but still smiling.
Me:  " I want to meet her.  Will you introduce her to us?"
Fletch:  "Mom, she asked me to go out with her and I told her I had to ask you.  Now can I or not?"
(Okay,that is what you call a sweet mom moment.   Maybe he is in middle school, and maybe he is growing up way too fast, but for a brief moment he proved to me that he is still young and naive.  That he needed my permission.  It also built my trust up with him. I have faith that he feels confident talking to me about situations.  It is a GREAT feeling).
Me: "Yes, you can go out with her.  But I am serious, I want to meet her."
Fletch:  "Oh Mom, you are the BEST.  I love you so much."

He has not stopped smiling.  It has been 5 days.

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