Tuesday, June 7, 2011

What a Wonderful World..

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I am celebrating 13 years with Brock today.  On our first anniversary we went to eat at a fine french restaurant  in Charlotte.  We lavished each other with gifts and ate the last piece of our wedding cake that was thawed out from the night before.

Yesterday Fletcher reminded me that today was our anniversary, and asked what we were going to do.  I answered simply by saying "What we love to do most, watching y'all play baseball."  He had a fit, exclaiming "Mom!  You watch all of our games.  Go out with Dad, I want you to!"   "Fletcher", I replied, "there is no place your father and I would rather be than cheering you on.  You are a reminder to us of how amazing our 13 years have been together, and I would not miss it for the world."

It is true.  No gifts are needed.  Not even a card.  All I wanted was Brock, settled in next to me at the ballpark, cheering the boys on. With my peanuts and coke. What a gift.
16 years ago I was sitting at the receptionist desk at the new office when two men came around the corner to get on the elevator.  I had met Bill, one of the men, but not the other.  The other man put his arm around Bill, looked at me with a mischievous grin and asked , " If stranded on a deserted island which one of us would you choose to be with?"  As I turned bright red and was without an answer, the bell rang, the elevator opened and the two men got on.  Within ten minutes they were back up again, this time with introductions...  " Hi, I am Brock.  Welcome!"

From that moment on, all I wanted was Brock, settled in next to me, making me laugh. 

I am a shy, sometimes insecure, unorganized mess.  He is outgoing, confident, humorous and methodical.  I drive him nuts. But we are a perfect mesh. The common ground that brings us so close together is our passion.  We are passionate about life....  Our relationship with God, the children and each other.  It is that passion that makes sitting on the ball field, that could be interpreted as boring to others, an incredibly amazing night.

As in every marriage, there have been battles that we have had to fight, and thankfully conquer.  But at the end of the day I still feel like the luckiest girl in the world. I am saying good night to my best friend, usually laughing at one of his antics. I sink into sleep thanking God for his amazing gifts to me, which includes that day in the office when I was left speechless.

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