Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Go Dog, Go!!!



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One of the greatest joys in my life are my dogs. I have 3 of them, all rather large Labrador Retrievers with very different personalities. Their passions include fighting for my attention, marking every nice thing in the house(it is a rather annoying competition they have), chasing birds, and swimming. I try, as often as I can, to take them swimming. About a mile from my house is a small pond, commonly known as "the duck pond". The howling and deep panting begins as we turn the bend. It's like horses at the Kentucky Derby when the gates are open. As soon as I swing open the back of the jeep they charge out with such power and adrenaline! Deacon and Otis look at me longingly in the water with anticipation that I may throw something for them. But Boo, sweet ole Boo, has something completely different in mind . The minute he has charged out he is on a mission- to catch a duck. But nobody flies away. In fact, the geese that are in the grass actually get in the water. You see, I think they like the game. They enjoy taunting Boo. As Boo approaches any of them by about 3 feet or so(close enough to get a little nervous about what to do if he does get one) they dive under the water and appear on the other side of the pond seconds later. Boo is left looking utterly confused, momentarily, until he spots them and begins the chase again . This can on for an hour or more. He is determined that one day he will catch a duck. It doesn't matter that they can fly or dive to their escape every time. Boo's persistence, determination and passion keep him out there.

It is quite a sight to be seen. Unfortunately the policeman drove by the other day and told me that we could not be out there any longer because of the leash law. Leash law, seriously? You expect me to bridle Boo's enthusiasm over your leash law? I suppose I will have to find another pond, with more geese and let them play there until I am stopped again.
It would be awesome if we all had that enthusiasm and persistence for something in life and we went after it, no matter what the outcome. But many times we put the leash on ourselves- because we are scared of failure, or judgement. If we could just GO AFTER IT, whatever IT is, the way Boo goes after those ducks, we would all be happier.

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